For over a decade, Tim Elliott has lived with a camera in his hands.
From his start as a photographer's assistant to his work now as a commercial and fine art professional, Tim has developed a style and consistency that his clients have come to cherish.
After graduating from The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington in 2009, Tim spent a year focusing entirely on photographing Vermont, capturing the ever-changing landscape of his home state while building a new portfolio of architectural and documentary work. He worked with clients in the construction and design industries on everything from product photos to documentary images, showcasing the work of developers who were working to preserve old buildings while renovating them for modern use.
After relocating to Portland, Oregon, Tim’s next major project focused on documenting the classic cars he found parked around the city. Due to the mild but humid weather of the region, he found cars in varying degrees of condition all around the city. He titled this fine art photography series REMNANT'S OF A MOTOR'S PAST and his photographs were displayed in two local coffee shops. During his time in Portland, Oregon, Tim also focused on creating family portraits, corporate headshots and started another fine art series, titled SURFACES. This collection of photographs pulled from his interest in abstract paintings and texture, focusing on abstracts in nature and the textures he found in unusual places, creating a strong contrast between bright colors and their gritty locations.
Today Tim resides in Denver, Colorado, creating family portraits, corporate headshots, and product photography for small companies. He also has taken up pet photography in addition to his family portrait work and real estate photography. While his style has developed over the last decade, Tim continues to focus on creating vibrant and colorful images that capture his clients and their products in a genuine and accurate way.